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📮 Transactions

Tokens, Assets and NFTs

  • Token are representations of something real or not, such as identity, value, product, etc...
  • Asset are tokens that represent some value, which can be fractionable.
  • NFT are a type of token, non-fractional, that represents the intellectual property of something, such as music, video, photo, etc.

Tokens parameter

namestringmust be more than 4 and less than 16 characters.
reissuablebooleanallow you reissue your token.
quantityintegerhow many tokens to create.
decimalintegerfractionate your token.

Lunes Transaction

  • Type: uint 1byte
  • Sender Public Key: array[uint] 32bytes
  • Token Flag: uint 1byte (0 for Lunes, 1 for Token)
  • Token Id: array[uint] 32bytes (0 for Lunes, array[uint] for Token)
  • Token Fee: uint 1byte (0 for Lunes, 1 for Token)
  • Token Fee Id: array[uint] 32bytes (0 for Lunes, array[uint] for Token)
  • Timestamp: uint 8bytes
  • Amount: uint 8bytes
  • Fee: uint 8bytes
  • Recipient Address: array[uint] 26bytes

Serialize tx tx

Signature tx

Mount Tx tx